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[An] Herrn Doctor H. Schenker
Tonkünstler etc etc etc
III. Reisnerstrasse 38.

[postmark:] || WIEN [illeg] | a 5[0] | 24 [illeg] | 4 5 [illeg] ||
[postmark:] || WIEN 3/3 | 49 | BESTELLT | 24.9.02 | [illeg] ‒5N ||

[Picture: drawing of child in landscape, captioned: "Silvio’s Zauberwald."]

Verehrter Herr Doctor!

Um die schlechten Witze fortzusetzen, sogleich das beiliegende Blättchen.

Herzlich grüssend
[signed:] Dr. Fr.

© Transcription Heribert Esser, 2019



[To: ] Dr. H. Schenker
Musician, etc., etc., etc.
Vienna III
Reisnerstrasse 38

[postmark:] || VIENNA [illeg] | a 5[0] | 24 [illeg] | 4 5 [illeg] ||
[postmark:] || VIENNA 3/3 | 49 | DELIVERED | 24.9.02 | [illeg] ‒5N ||

[Picture: drawing of child in landscape, captioned: "Silvio’s Zauberwald."]

Revered Dr. [Schenker],

To continue the bad jokes, forthwith the enclosed slip of paper.

With cordial greetings,
[signed:] Dr. Frimmel

© Translation William Drabkin, 2019



[An] Herrn Doctor H. Schenker
Tonkünstler etc etc etc
III. Reisnerstrasse 38.

[postmark:] || WIEN [illeg] | a 5[0] | 24 [illeg] | 4 5 [illeg] ||
[postmark:] || WIEN 3/3 | 49 | BESTELLT | 24.9.02 | [illeg] ‒5N ||

[Picture: drawing of child in landscape, captioned: "Silvio’s Zauberwald."]

Verehrter Herr Doctor!

Um die schlechten Witze fortzusetzen, sogleich das beiliegende Blättchen.

Herzlich grüssend
[signed:] Dr. Fr.

© Transcription Heribert Esser, 2019



[To: ] Dr. H. Schenker
Musician, etc., etc., etc.
Vienna III
Reisnerstrasse 38

[postmark:] || VIENNA [illeg] | a 5[0] | 24 [illeg] | 4 5 [illeg] ||
[postmark:] || VIENNA 3/3 | 49 | DELIVERED | 24.9.02 | [illeg] ‒5N ||

[Picture: drawing of child in landscape, captioned: "Silvio’s Zauberwald."]

Revered Dr. [Schenker],

To continue the bad jokes, forthwith the enclosed slip of paper.

With cordial greetings,
[signed:] Dr. Frimmel

© Translation William Drabkin, 2019


printed picture postcard,: holograph recipient address, recto; printed sketch captioned "Sylvio's Zauberwelt," holograph salutation, message, valediction, and signature, verso
Schenker, Heinrich (document date-1935)--Schenker, Jeanette (1935-c.1942)--Ratz, Erwin (c.1942-c.1945)--Jonas, Oswald (c.1945-1978)--University of California, Riverside (1978--)
Rights Holder
Beethoven-Haus, Bonn, reproduced here by kind permission
Beethoven-Haus, Bonn, permission kindly granted on July 4, 2019. Any claim to intellectual rights on this document should be addressed to the Schenker Correspondence Project, Faculty of Music, University of Cambridge, at schenkercorrespondence[at]mus(dot)cam(dot)ac(dot)uk.

Digital version created: 2020-07-20
Last updated: 2013-08-29