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[printed:] Postkarte
[picture: snow-covered mountain, captioned: “Großglockner, Kärnten”]

[Absender:] O. E. Deutsch
II., Böcklinstr. 26

[An:] Herrn Professor Dr. Heinrich Schenker
Wien III.,
Keilg. 8

Herrn Dr. Heinrich Schenker, III., Keilg. 8

Lieber verehrter Herr Doktor! 1

Ihr Brief vom 17. hat mir eine grosse Freude bereitet. 2 Ich möchte Ihnen heute nur kurz dafür danken und übersende Ihnen ein kleines Angebinde: die erste Fassung des Allegretto aus dem ungarischen Divertissement. 3 Das Manuskript hat Stefan Zweig neulich erworben, aus verborgenem Besitz, und mir für die selbe Serie bei Strache zu Verfügung gestellt.

Mit herzlichen Grüssen
Ihr ergebener
[signed:] O E Deutsch

22. 5. 1928

© Transcription William Drabkin, 2023

[printed:] Postcard
[picture: snow-covered mountain, captioned: “Großglockner, Carinthia”]

[From:] O. E. Deutsch
[Vienna] II, Böcklinstrasse 26

[To:] Professor Heinrich Schenker
Keilgasse 8
Vienna III

Dr. Heinrich Schenker, [Vienna]III, Keilgasse 8

Dear, revered Dr. [Schenker], 1

Your letter of the 17th 2 has brought me great joy. Today I would like only to thank you briefly for it, and I am sending you a small gift: the first version of the Allegretto from the Divertissement à l’hongroise. 3 Stefan Zweig recently acquired the manuscript, whose previous whereabouts were kept secret, and placed it at my disposal for [publication in] the same series with Strache.

With cordial greetings,
Your devoted
[signed:] O. E. Deutsch

May 22, 1928

© Translation William Drabkin, 2023

[printed:] Postkarte
[picture: snow-covered mountain, captioned: “Großglockner, Kärnten”]

[Absender:] O. E. Deutsch
II., Böcklinstr. 26

[An:] Herrn Professor Dr. Heinrich Schenker
Wien III.,
Keilg. 8

Herrn Dr. Heinrich Schenker, III., Keilg. 8

Lieber verehrter Herr Doktor! 1

Ihr Brief vom 17. hat mir eine grosse Freude bereitet. 2 Ich möchte Ihnen heute nur kurz dafür danken und übersende Ihnen ein kleines Angebinde: die erste Fassung des Allegretto aus dem ungarischen Divertissement. 3 Das Manuskript hat Stefan Zweig neulich erworben, aus verborgenem Besitz, und mir für die selbe Serie bei Strache zu Verfügung gestellt.

Mit herzlichen Grüssen
Ihr ergebener
[signed:] O E Deutsch

22. 5. 1928

© Transcription William Drabkin, 2023

[printed:] Postcard
[picture: snow-covered mountain, captioned: “Großglockner, Carinthia”]

[From:] O. E. Deutsch
[Vienna] II, Böcklinstrasse 26

[To:] Professor Heinrich Schenker
Keilgasse 8
Vienna III

Dr. Heinrich Schenker, [Vienna]III, Keilgasse 8

Dear, revered Dr. [Schenker], 1

Your letter of the 17th 2 has brought me great joy. Today I would like only to thank you briefly for it, and I am sending you a small gift: the first version of the Allegretto from the Divertissement à l’hongroise. 3 Stefan Zweig recently acquired the manuscript, whose previous whereabouts were kept secret, and placed it at my disposal for [publication in] the same series with Strache.

With cordial greetings,
Your devoted
[signed:] O. E. Deutsch

May 22, 1928

© Translation William Drabkin, 2023


1 Receipt of this postcard is recorded in Schenker’s diary for May 23, 1928: “Von Deutsch (K.): Dank für die Auskunft über Schuberts Requiem; sendet die Fotografie eines Entwurfes zum Divertissement als Angebinde” (“From Deutsch (postcard): thanks for the information about Schubert’s Requiem; he is sending the photograph of a draft of the Divertissement (à l’hongroise) as a gift”).

2 = WSLB-Hds 191.562. In his diary for May 17, Schenker provided a summary of its content but does not specifically say that he sent the letter.

3 This item does not appear to have been preserved among the Schenker collections.


Rights Holder
Heirs of Otto Erich Deutsch, published here by kind permission
Permission to publish granted by the heirs of Otto Erich Deutsch February 12, 2008. Any claim to intellectual rights should be addressed to the Schenker Correspondence Project, Faculty of Music, University of Cambridge, at schenkercorrespondence[at]mus(dot)cam(dot)ac(dot)uk
printed picture postcard: printed picture, typewritten sender and recipient addresses, postage stamp, recto; typewritten salutation, message, and valediction, holograph signature, verso
Schenker, Heinrich (document date-1935)--Schenker, Jeanette (1935-c.1942)--Ratz, Erwin (c.1942-c.1956)--Jonas, Oswald (c.1956-1978)--University of California, Riverside (1978--)
Rights Holder
Heirs of Otto Erich and Hanna Deutsch, published by kind permission
Permission to publish granted by the heirs of Otto Erich and Hanna Deutsch on February 12, 2008. Any claim to intellectual rights should be addressed to the Schenker Correspondence Project, Faculty of Music, University of Cambridge, at schenkercorrespondence[at]mus(dot)cam(dot)ac(dot)uk

Digital version created: 2023-02-24
Last updated: 2015-09-19