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OC B/229 - Handwritten delivery note from V. A. Heck to Schenker, dated February 21, 1927
⇧ BUCH- UND KUNST-ANTIQUARIAT V. A. HECK WIEN, I. BEZIRK, KÄRNTNERRING Nr. 12 Telephon 51-2-61 ____________________ WIEN, am ⇧ 21. Feber 1927. Herrn Dr. Heinrich Schenker Wien III, Keilg. 8 1 Zur gef[ä]l[ligen] Ansicht. ⇧ Belieben zu empfangen:
⇧ 9 Hefte Beethoven Leonore-Fidelio,
© Transcription Nicholas Marston, 2015 |
⇧ ANTIQUARIAN BOOKS AND ART V. A. HECK VIENNA, DISTRICT I, KÄRNTNERRING No. 12 Telephone 51-2-61 ____________________ VIENNA, ⇧ February 21, 1927 Dr. Heinrich Schenker Vienna III, Keilgasse 8 1 For the favour of inspection, ⇧ Please to receive:
⇧ 9 fascicles [from] Beethoven, Leonore-Fidelio,
© Translation Nicholas Marston, 2015 |
⇧ BUCH- UND KUNST-ANTIQUARIAT V. A. HECK WIEN, I. BEZIRK, KÄRNTNERRING Nr. 12 Telephon 51-2-61 ____________________ WIEN, am ⇧ 21. Feber 1927. Herrn Dr. Heinrich Schenker Wien III, Keilg. 8 1 Zur gef[ä]l[ligen] Ansicht. ⇧ Belieben zu empfangen:
⇧ 9 Hefte Beethoven Leonore-Fidelio,
© Transcription Nicholas Marston, 2015 |
⇧ ANTIQUARIAN BOOKS AND ART V. A. HECK VIENNA, DISTRICT I, KÄRNTNERRING No. 12 Telephone 51-2-61 ____________________ VIENNA, ⇧ February 21, 1927 Dr. Heinrich Schenker Vienna III, Keilgasse 8 1 For the favour of inspection, ⇧ Please to receive:
⇧ 9 fascicles [from] Beethoven, Leonore-Fidelio,
© Translation Nicholas Marston, 2015 |
Footnotes1 Receipt of the manuscript detailed here, presumably together with the present document itself, is recorded in Schenker's diary at OJ 3/9, p. 3039, February 21, 1927: "Von Heck durch einen Boten: Fidelio-Abschrift, von Beethoven korrigiert; meist Zusammenziehungen, nicht etwa vom Standpunkt des Dramas, sondern der musikalischen Synthese. Hier u. da tauchen auch Verschiedenheiten in der Bogenführung u. Dynamik auf." ("From Heck, via a messenger: copy of Fidelio, with Beethoven's corrections; mainly contractions, not so much from the standpoint of the drama but from that of the musical synthesis. Differences in slurring and dynamics also surface here and there.") 2 This manuscript is today Bonn, Beethovenhaus, HCB Mh 47. For details and provenance, see Ludwig van Beethoven: Thematisch-bibliographisches Werkverzeichnis, ed. Kurt Dorfmüller, Norbert Gertsch and Julia Ronge, 2 vols (Munich: Henle, 2014), I, 423 (No. 10), 425 (No. 23), 431 (Nos 3–4, 8), 432 (No. 9), 433 (No. 16), 444 –46 (Nos 5–6, 9, 11, 16–17). 3 "G. A.": "Gesamt Ausgabe" ("Collected Edition"): Ludwig van Beethovens Werke: Vollständige kritisch durchgesehene überall berechtigte Ausgabe (Leipzig: Breitkopf & Härtel, 1862–65). The numbers in this column refer to the numbering of Fidelio in GA, xx; the numberings and inscriptions in the left-hand column are reproduced from the title-pages of the individual fascicles of Mh 47. 4 Schenker's diary records, at OJ 3/9, p. 3039, February 22, 1927: "Abends Durchsicht der Fidelio-Abschrift beendet." ("In the evening, study of the copy of Fidelio finished."); and at OJ 3/9, p. 3040, February 23, 1927: "Heck läßt die Fidelio-Abschrift wieder holen. – Nach der Jause bei Heck: Bericht über die Abschrift." ("Heck collects the copy of Fidelio. – After teatime, at Heck's: report on the copy.") |
Digital version created: 2015-03-09 |