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[printed:] Postkarte
[emblem: in rectangle: obelisk with “DMV” below plinth]


Herrn Professor O. E. Deutsch
Wien II
Böcklinstr. 26
{verso} N.
Herrn Professor O. E. Deutsch, Wien II, Böcklinstr. 26
München, den 30. August 1930

Sehr geehrter Herr Professor! 1

Wir erhielten Ihr Schreiben vom 28. ds. Mts. und haben Röder Ihre Mitteilung weitergegeben.

Mit vorzüglicher Hochachtung
[signed:] Drei Masken Verlag A.-G.
[signed:] Dmb

PS. Herr Dr. Sch. schickte uns kürzlich den ersten Teil der Fahnen „zum Umbruch“, 2 schrieb aber dann im gleichen Brief „den Umbruch bitte ich zurückzuhalten, bis ich mich von Wien aus melde“. Das ist doch so aufzufassen, dass wir die Fahnen noch nicht an die Druckerei weitergeben sollen?

[Written below Demblin’s postscript by Deutsch:]

Bitte um direkten Bescheid an DMV

[signed:] Deutsch
2. IX. 30

Ich bin vom 5. bis 8. in Trofaiach.

© Transcription William Drabkin, 2023

[printed:] Postcard
[emblem: in rectangle: obelisk with “DMV” below plinth]


Professor O. E. Deutsch
Böcklinstraße 26
Vienna II
{verso} N.
Professor O. E. Deutsch, Vienna II, Böcklinstraße 26
Munich, August 30, 1930

Dear Professor, 1

We received your letter of the 28th of last month and have forwarded your message to Röder.

Respectfully yours,
[signed:] Drei Masken Verlag & Co.
[signed:] D[e]mb[lin]

PS. Dr. Schenker recently sent us the first part of the galley-proofs “ready for page make-up” 2 but then wrote, in the same letter, “please keep the page-proofs until I write to you from Vienna”. Is it thus to be understood that we should not yet forward the galley-proofs to the printers?

[Written below Demblin’s postscript by Deutsch:]

Please inform DMV directly.

[signed:] Deutsch
September 2, 1930

I shall be in Trofaiach from the 5th to the 8th.

© Translation William Drabkin, 2023

[printed:] Postkarte
[emblem: in rectangle: obelisk with “DMV” below plinth]


Herrn Professor O. E. Deutsch
Wien II
Böcklinstr. 26
{verso} N.
Herrn Professor O. E. Deutsch, Wien II, Böcklinstr. 26
München, den 30. August 1930

Sehr geehrter Herr Professor! 1

Wir erhielten Ihr Schreiben vom 28. ds. Mts. und haben Röder Ihre Mitteilung weitergegeben.

Mit vorzüglicher Hochachtung
[signed:] Drei Masken Verlag A.-G.
[signed:] Dmb

PS. Herr Dr. Sch. schickte uns kürzlich den ersten Teil der Fahnen „zum Umbruch“, 2 schrieb aber dann im gleichen Brief „den Umbruch bitte ich zurückzuhalten, bis ich mich von Wien aus melde“. Das ist doch so aufzufassen, dass wir die Fahnen noch nicht an die Druckerei weitergeben sollen?

[Written below Demblin’s postscript by Deutsch:]

Bitte um direkten Bescheid an DMV

[signed:] Deutsch
2. IX. 30

Ich bin vom 5. bis 8. in Trofaiach.

© Transcription William Drabkin, 2023

[printed:] Postcard
[emblem: in rectangle: obelisk with “DMV” below plinth]


Professor O. E. Deutsch
Böcklinstraße 26
Vienna II
{verso} N.
Professor O. E. Deutsch, Vienna II, Böcklinstraße 26
Munich, August 30, 1930

Dear Professor, 1

We received your letter of the 28th of last month and have forwarded your message to Röder.

Respectfully yours,
[signed:] Drei Masken Verlag & Co.
[signed:] D[e]mb[lin]

PS. Dr. Schenker recently sent us the first part of the galley-proofs “ready for page make-up” 2 but then wrote, in the same letter, “please keep the page-proofs until I write to you from Vienna”. Is it thus to be understood that we should not yet forward the galley-proofs to the printers?

[Written below Demblin’s postscript by Deutsch:]

Please inform DMV directly.

[signed:] Deutsch
September 2, 1930

I shall be in Trofaiach from the 5th to the 8th.

© Translation William Drabkin, 2023


1 Schenker’s diary for September 5 records the receipt of a postcard from Drei Masken Verlag concerning the page-proofs, and his response on the 6th: “Vom Verlag (K.): wegen des Umbruchs.” (“From the publishers (postcard): concerning the page-proofs.”) – “An den Verlag (K.): wegen des Umbruchs.” (“To the publishers (postcard): concerning the page-proofs.”). The former is probably the current item, since the Schenkers were still on vacation and travelling at the time; the latter is not known to survive (there are no surviving communications between Schenker and DMV during September 1930).

2 “zum Umbruch”: i.e. for the corrected galley-proofs (Fahnen) to be broken up and the type assembled in page format to produce page-proofs.


printed postcard: all in a rule-frame, printed DMV advertisment to the left, typewritten recipient address to the right, postmark and postage stamp, recto; typewritten salutation, message, and valediction, stamped signature and holograph (DMV) initials, typewritten postscript, holograph (OED) message and signature, recto
Rights Holder
DMV: Deemed to be in the public domain.
DMV: All reasonable effort have been made to identify rights holder or representative. The current firm of Drei Masken Verlag GmbH, Munich, has been contacted and states that it makes no claim upon the intellectual property in question. Any claim to intellectual rights on this document should be addressed to the Schenker Documents Online, at schenkercorrespondence [at] mus (dot) cam (dot) ac (dot) uk.
Schenker, Heinrich (document date-1935)--Schenker, Jeanette (1935-1938)--Oster, Ernst (1938-c.1939)—New York Public Library (c.1939-)

Digital version created: 2023-05-14
Last updated: 2011-10-11